Local community organizations generously give of their time and treasures to reach out to help others.
Colin coordinated a supply drive for Little Annie’s Hope Train and distributed the items to those in need.. Colin, Connor, their mother Colleen Brown and their grandmother Mary Brown painted the little free food pantry which is owned by Anne Kline and located at the Miracle Revival Church in Painesville.
Colin coordinated a supply drive for Little Annie’s Hope Train and distributed the items to those in need.. Colin, Connor, their mother Colleen Brown and their grandmother Mary Brown painted the little free food pantry which is owned by Anne Kline and located at the Miracle Revival Church in Painesville.
Colin coordinated a supply drive for Little Annie’s Hope Train and distributed the items to those in need.. Colin, Connor, their mother Colleen Brown and their grandmother Mary Brown painted the little free food pantry which is owned by Anne Kline and located at the Miracle Revival Church in Painesville.
Colin coordinated a supply drive for Little Annie’s Hope Train and distributed the items to those in need.. Colin, Connor, their mother Colleen Brown and their grandmother Mary Brown painted the little free food pantry which is owned by Anne Kline and located at the Miracle Revival Church in Painesville.
Little Annie's Hope's Train uses all donated resources to collaborate with local schools to educate our future generations of our mission.