Start A Food Pantry

Start A Food Pantry Today

It’s estimated that one in six Americans go hungry every day. A simple way to help feed those in need is to donate to a little free pantry in your area. You might have seen them while walking around your neighborhood: Outdoor cabinets that look like tiny houses filled with supplies. Sometimes called blessing boxes, the free pantries encourage neighbors to share NON-PERISHABLE food items and hygiene products. Similar to little free libraries (where anyone can borrow a book or leave literature for others to enjoy), free pantries help provide food to those in need. Usually, little free pantries are outside of a church or business. The wood structures are raised from the ground and often feature glass doors to people can see what’s inside. Community members are encouraged to keep the pantries stocked by leaving canned or dry foods and other supplies for others to take when needed.

One of the advantages of contributing to a neighborhood food pantry is that, unlike food banks and larger pantries, the donations in the boxes are ALWAYS available. If someone is in a bind and they need something, and a food pantry is closed, this can kind of fill in the gaps of when they’re not able to make it to one of the bigger food pantries. In addition to being open 24/7, there are also no limits or restrictions on how much people can take if they need extra food.

Because little free pantries are outside, it’s important to only contribute NON-PERISHABLE items. Canned goods are always an option, but in some locations, you can also leave hygiene products like toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, and deodorant. What’s really popular and gets taken quickly seems to be peanut butter, canned soup, pasta, cereal, grain products, toilet paper, any kind of hygiene products, especially feminine care, and any kind of kids’ snacks or baby snacks.

If there’s already a free pantry in your community, consider stocking it with a few NON-PERISHABLES. Especially with growing concerns over COVID-19, stocking your community pantry can help at-risk individuals to avoid a trip to the store. It might also be a good idea to wipe down any cans or boxes with a disinfecting wipe before you leave them at the pantry so germs can’t spread to others.

If your neighborhood doesn’t have its own little pantry, but you want to start one, there are plenty of resources to help you get started. Check out the Blessing Box Facebook page, and there is plenty of advice and plans for creating a pantry in your city.

You can also reach out to Little Free Pantry, which has free building plans for creating a box and checklists of essential pantry items. It’s always a great idea to check with your local city government before starting to build a box as some have zoning laws restricting where it can be placed or how large it can be. When choosing a location, remember that the goal is to provide for the community. Pick a place anyone can easily access safely at any time of day. Avoid areas with high crime or high vehicle traffic. Places with high foot traffic, like street corners with sidewalks, are particularly good, but don’t place little free structures on easements or aprons between the sidewalk and street. In addition, avoid placing them behind gates or walls.

Choosing a place with tree cover can keep midday sun at bay during the hottest times of the year. If you live in a particularly hot location, position the little free structure so it faces north or east. 

Make sure you build for longevity, though, as people will likely be opening and closing it several times a day in all types of weather conditions all year round. Make sure wood is sanded down completely and free of splinters. Use several coats of paint, and seal the edges and corners. Use caulk to prevent water from leaking into the structure.

The pantry should be painted brightly and clearly labeled so that everyone knows they are welcome to take advantage of the service.

It’s important to keep your little free structure filled and accessible to the public. Keep an eye on seasonable changes and weather conditions that could cause some items (like peanut butter or chocolate) to melt or freeze.

No donation is too small. All those single cans of beans or packages of spaghetti add up. Consider taking advantage of buy-one-get-one deals at the grocery store.

Let your neighbors know you plan to install one so they know what to expect once it’s made available to the public. Encourage them to support the site by stocking it. With little effort, a blessing box or free pantry can unite a community in times of need.


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